Bonjour Minnesota on KFAI Radio is broadcasted weekly on Tuesdays from 8:00 to 10:00 pm at 90.3 FM Minneapolis / St. Paul. Each week, we bring you new music from France and French speaking countries with focused interviews on community related topics and the event calendar. Bonjour Minnesota occasionally has live shows with local musicians such as The New Riverside Ramblers, Dan Newton’s Café Accordion Orchestra, Whale in the Thames and others, who feature a French repertoire of music. Tune in or listen online, anytime (podcasts / archives) at on or on Check out our new website at
Have a comment, question or request? Call the studio line during our show when the music is playing at 612-341-0980, email us at, visit and follow us on Facebook or Instagram. You can also download the KFAI App for Android or iOS.

DJ(s): Freddy Posine & Romain Lorentz - Theme(s): 2024 Recap Part 2 - Guest(s): None. If you like the show, please SHARE it.
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# | Artist | Title | Lengh |
1 | Terland | La traversee | 2:54 |
2 | Keren Ann | Dancing in the Moonlight (French) | 2:46 |
3 | Walter Astral | Mirage | 4:00 |
4 | Camp Claude | Te Faire Danser | 2:30 |
5 | Jungeli | Petit Genie (feat. Abou Debeing et Lossa) | 3:36 |
6 | Damso | Alpha (feat. Kalash) | 2:39 |
7 | Tiakola | T.I.A - A COLORS SHOW | 3:37 |
8 | Lone & Hellyes | Eros | 2:19 |
9 | Green Montana | Saudade | 2:18 |
10 | MC Solaar | Modernidad | 2:02 |
11 | Zoufris Maracas | Si c'etait pire | 4:04 |
12 | Adi Oasis | Sidonie | 3:16 |
13 | Cyrille Aimee | Ma Preference | 3:36 |
14 | Louis Chedid | Le bonheur fait ma joie | 3:37 |
15 | The 99ers | Le Cactus | 2:45 |
16 | Lucas Andrea | Ta peau | 2:45 |
17 | Damien Saez | Les animaouh (feat. Ana Moreau) | 5:05 |
18 | Arthur H | Los Magnificos (feat. -M-) | 4:40 |
19 | Chimene Badi | Les couleurs de ma vie | 2:39 |
20 | Alain Chamfort | Whisky glace (feat. Sebastien Tellier) | 2:57 |
21 | Colt | Demi-mot | 3:06 |
22 | Alcest | Flamme Jumelle | 5:10 |
23 | Detroit | Les Roseaux Soucieux | 4:52 |
24 | La Femme | Francoise | 2:26 |
25 | Clara Luciani | Forget me not (feat. Rufus Wainwright) | 3:59 |